Application Type : External Vacancy
Category : Other
Brand : UN Organization
Post Level : SB5/3
Application Deadline : 16-Oct-09
Duty Station : Ramallah
Type of Contract : Service Contract
Post Number :
(for 100 Series Contracts)
Languages Required :
Arabic, English,
Starting Date :
(date when the selected canditate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract : Six month, with possible extension
Expected Duration of Assignment :
UNCTAD/ASYCUDA Established in 1964, UNCTAD promotes the development-friendly integration of developing countries into the world economy. UNCTAD has progressively evolved into an authoritative knowledge-based institution whose work aims to help shape current policy debates and thinking on development, with a particular focus on ensuring that domestic policies and international action are mutually supportive in bringing about sustainable development.
One of UNCTAD main functions is to provide technical assistance tailored to the specific requirements of developing countries, with special attention to the needs of the least developed countries and of economies in transition. When appropriate, UNCTAD cooperates with other organizations and donor countries in the delivery of technical assistance
One of UNCTAD’s most important developments in line with its mandate to provide technical assistance is the ASYCUDA system. ASYCUDA is a computerised customs management system which covers most foreign trade procedures.
Within the context of the programme for modernizing Palestinian Customs, the PA has adopted this state-of-the-art software system for its implementation in the Palestinian territory. The programme, which began in 2000, is implemented by UNCTAD, and funded by the European Commission since 2003, as part of the strategic vision for building the institutions of Palestinian sovereignty.
Description of Responsibilities:
The Candidate shall carry out the following duties:
-       Arrange co-ordination with relevant Palestinian Authority Offices and Agencies as well as with relevant Government Departments and bodies (Customs and Border Management) affected by the ASYCUDA system and other UNCTAD projects.
-       Ensure proper implementation of planned activities under UNCTAD projects in respect of agreed timescales. This includes day-to-day liaison with UNCTAD project personnel in the above projects and participating and representing APPU in project activities, where needed (e.g. workshop, opening and closing ceremonies).
-       Liaise with the secretariat in Geneva and with project personnel the deployment of international experts, staff field missions and other project activities.
-       Liaise with UNDP/PAPP on those project activities requiring its logistical or other support and facilitate communication between UNDP/PAPP and UNCTAD secretariat to ensure smooth project implementation.
-       Coordinate the implementation of project components with other national and international organizations operating in the field of similar technical assistance programmes in the Palestinian territory to avoid duplication.
-       Establish and maintain good working relations with key private sector groups.
-       Support the secretariat's resource mobilization activities in the field through developing contacts with donors and funding agencies.
-       Foster the visibility of the technical assistance programs in the field through maintaining channels of cooperation with local and international media operating in Palestine, and contributing to the preparation of press releases on project activities.
Competencies :
-      Professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.
-      Accountability and client oriented approach.
-      Creativity to propose options to solve problems.
-      Keep abreast of available technology
-      Vision to identify strategic issues, opportunities and risks aimed at achieving main objectives of UNCTAD projects in Palestine.
-      Leadership to empower other members in translating vision into results.
-      Capacity to establish and maintain relationships with a broad range of people to understand needs and gain support.
-      Capacity to anticipate and resolve conflicts by pursuing mutually agreed solutions.
-      Leadership to hold others accountable for achieving results related to their area of responsibility
-      Capacity to involve others when making decisions that affect them.
-      Ability to ensure that roles, responsibilities and reporting lines are clear to each staff member.
-      Capacity to provide an environment in which others can talk and act without fear of repercussion, performing management in a deliberate and predictable way.
-      Judgement to gather relevant information before making a decision, considering positive and negative impacts that can eventually affect them.
-      Ability to take decisions considering the impact to others and on the Organization.
-      Ability to develop clear goals, consistent with agreed strategies, clearly prioritized, allocating resources to complete tasks on time.
-      Capacity to monitor and adjust plans and actions according to necessities.
-      Capacity to write progress reports as required by the Organization and the Project itself.
Qualifications :
-      Education
-      Masters Degree in Business Administration, Economics or other related field
-       Experience         
-       Work experience: 4-6 years in Customs and/or Tax Authority operations
-       At least 4 years of experience working with International Organizations.
-       Excellent communication skills
-       Advanced computer skills.
-       Excellent management skills.
-       Ability to work under pressure.
-      Language requirements     
-      Fluency in Arabic and English with good drafting skills
“ UNDP/PAPP is an equal opportunity employer: applications from men and women will be considered equally”